elefantitos, koalas & MARIPOSAS
for the
2025-2026 school year
Full Day Schedule | 7:30am - 5:00pm
5 full days (M-F) 2000.00
4 full days (M-Th or T-F) 1770.00
3 full days (M/W/F) 1530.00
2 full days (T/Th) 1150.00
Morning Schedule | 8:00am - 12:00pm
5 days (M-F) 1680.00
4 days (M-Th or T-F) 1450.00
3 days (M/W/F) 1220.00
2 days (T/Th) 955.00
Ositos, Patitos & lechuzas
3-5 year old classrooms
for the
2025-2026 school year
Full Day Schedule | 7:30am - 5:00pm
5 full days (M-F) 1595.00
4 full days (M-Th or T-F) 1355.00
3 full days (M/W/F) 1170.00
2 full days (T/Th) 950.00
Morning Schedule | 8:00am - 12:30pm
5 days (M-F) 1160.00
4 days (M-Th or T-F) 1035.00
3 days (M/W/F) 960.00
2 days (T/Th) 840.00
Additional Days & Fees
Additional Full-Day
$80.00 - 7:30am-5:00pm
Additional Half-Day
$65.00 - 8:00am-12:30pm
Enrollment fee & discounts
Tuition statements are emailed to families each month. Parents will receive an Intuit link to make their monthly tuition payments.
Tuition is due on the 1st of the month and must be paid no later than the 5th of the month. A late charge of $25.00 will be applied to accounts with payments not received by the 5th of the month.
UDT is a year-round school and enrolls on a continual basis, when openings become available.
There is a one-time, non-refundable enrollment fee of $200.00 per child. The fee guarantees your child's acceptance to UDT.
A sibling discount of 10% per month is offered on the oldest child’s tuition.
There is a yearly non-refundable reenrollment fee of $30.00 per child. The fee guarantees your child's acceptance for the following school year.
There is a $5.00 late fee for every minute you are late. The fee is paid directly to the closing teacher. UDT closes at 5:00pm.
UDT requires a full month’s notice of withdrawal or change of schedule. Tuition will reflect the date we receive the notice. Notice must be sent via email to the site-director.
A transaction fee of $20.00 will be applied for tuition payments made using a credit card.
Tuition must be paid in full regardless of absences due to sick days, unforeseen circumstances, scheduled school breaks, holidays, snow days, personal vacation days, state emergencies, or natural disasters. Refunds are not provided.
UDT requires tuition to be paid in full each month. Discounts are not available for children who start mid-month or later in the school year. This allows UDT to plan staffing and resources accordingly without interruptions.
UDT does not offer summer discounts for families who take a break from care, regardless of the length of the break.
Children may attend only on their enrolled days. Additional days may be added if space permits. Contact the site director for more information.
Tuition rates increase by 2%-5% at the beginning of each academic year for all returning families.